Argentine Spinach Pie (Torta Pascualina) Yes, there are those in our part of the country that seem fine with our most segregated title, and are even offended that a local business would work to change that. And then there’s Joyce Ellwanger. Joyce is a true hero. And as is so often the case with people who really care for everyone around them, her recipes are really tasty as well. If hope had a flavor, it would taste a lot like this pie. Share it wherever you can. 1 double crust pie shell (if you make your own, whole wheat crust is fantastic with this recipe) 1 1/2 Cups frozen chopped spinach or 2 qts. fresh spinach (we used 2 8-oz. bags fresh spinach and it worked out great) 2 TB. olive oil 1 onion, chopped 1/4 tsp. GROUND NUTMEG 1 tsp. OREGANO 1/2 tsp. salt 2 eggs, beaten 1-2 Cups grated Swiss cheese (Joyce uses 2) Crust for 2 9-inch pies or 1 double crust pie: 1 1/2 sticks butter (3/4 cup) 1 1/2 Cups whole wheat flour 1 tsp. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 3-5 TB. milk



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